Tuesday, June 3, 2014

An Announcement: Test

Hi there. 

So this is just sort of a test to see if this blog works. But since you are already reading this, then it means...it worked! Haha. Anyhow, welcome to the Honeydrop blogger page/site where you will be updated by the news and what-nots about the band and their...stuff. Really, uhm, this is just an avenue for us to share our thoughts about the band, how it goes, how it all went, what will be next and what shows will be coming, etc. This blog will serve as a memory lane of sorts, by then.

Will still be updating the look of the site from time to time, by the help of the rest of the guys and the contents will basically come from us. :)

This is an exciting journey and we hope that you will get excited with us as well!

See you around!

- Debb

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